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Topic 5 Wed Sep 07, 1988
SANDY.W [RT SysOp] (Forwarded)
Sub: MultiDesk, from Codehead Software
This topic is for user support and discussion of CodeHead Software's
MultiDesk, the program that lets you load up to 32 desk accessories at any
time, even while a program is running.
213 message(s) total.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 1 Wed May 13, 1992
J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 06:15 EDT
WordPerfect like CodeHeads are class operations who believe in
customer service. If I ever have a choice of what software I use, or buy for
my boss, and if I am still limmited to MS-DOS at work I will chose
WordPerfect; just like I chose CodeHead for my ST stuff when possible.
BTW guys How about a real time DA spell checker?
>> Joe Meehan <<
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 2 Wed May 13, 1992
NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 07:43 EDT
> WordPerfect like CodeHeads are class operations who believe in
>customer service. If I ever have a choice of what software I use, or buy
> BTW guys How about a real time DA spell checker?
>>> Joe Meehan <<
I couldn't agree more, but the CodeHeads don't have 400 bright,
intelligent, young men and women all trained to answer your questions... The
WordPerfect support crew is really something to SEE. Maybe when Atari sells
20 million of their new 'falcon' series, and CodeHead sells 50,000 copies of
Calligrapher each month, they can do the same. Humm.. The idea of 400
'Valley Girls' on a support team is kinda interesting too... Grin.
I REALLY would like to see the CodeHeads get permission to update and
distribute something like Thunder. Since the company is still making it, but
only for the Mac, they MIGHT be interested in a deal... how about it
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 9 Sun May 17, 1992
J.HUGHES23 [Jack ] at 18:43 EDT
>K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 14:34 EDT
>Thanks, guys. I'll call WP on Monday. I hope a)their Atari 800 number is
>working and b)they will still provide the upgrade.
>It certainly was decent of you to fix WP, Charles. I hope people realize
>a nice guy you are!
>Ken Van Dellen d8^)
I concur with both a) & b) as well as the "Thanks, guys". And, doesn't
everybody know?
I hadn't upgraded before as a WP rep had upgraded my printer driver on a one
to one basis. But I'll do it. Cumon 800 #!!
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 10 Sun May 17, 1992
K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 23:24 EDT
I had a later post on WP. The number still works and they will upgrade.
Ken Van Dellen d8^)
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 11 Wed May 20, 1992
D.STMARTIN [Dave St.] at 16:04 EDT
(I sure hope this gets me outta hot water with the CodeHeads!)
I've posted a couple messages regarding my trials and tribulations with ICD's
Clean-Up and MultiDesk Deluxe. It turns out the problem was due to an
inadquate MDX buffer size in MDD! Why Clean Up uses the MDX buffer is beyond
me. I increased my MDX buffer to 128K and BINGO Clean-Up runs flawlessly.
the trick was catching the fleeting message regarding the inadequate buffer
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 12 Wed May 20, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 20:29 EDT
Dave St.,
That doesn't make any sense at all, but if you're happy, we're happy. CleanUp
has nothing to do with the MDX buffer. The only thing I can think of is that
it's sending a message to some ACC and you have that ACC in your MDX folder.
This would cause MDD to open the ACC to send it the message. But if the MDX
buffer was not large enough to load it, an alert box would appear informing
you. Aha....you're not by any chance using that resident program from DC that
selects your default button in alert boxes automatically, are you? Naw...no
one's reckless enough to use something like that for more than a few minutes.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 13 Wed May 20, 1992
DOUG.W [ICD RT] at 22:18 EDT
Sounds pretty strange to me, too... Cleanup doesn't have anything to do with
the MDX buffer.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 14 Fri May 22, 1992
B.STOREY [Bill] at 07:43 EDT
That is a trick: catching the error message that flashes by in many
applications. The programmer puts the message in, then forgets to put in a way
to stop it so we can read it before it goes away.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 15 Fri May 22, 1992
SANDY.W [RT SysOp] at 16:34 EDT
Heck, my MDX buffer is only 48K and I have never had a problem with Cleanup.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 16 Tue May 26, 1992
D.STMARTIN [Dave St.] at 16:50 EDT
Nope! No wierd utilities that select a default alert box selector. I know it
defies logic, but Clean-Up now works flawlessly. Matter or fact I had
upgraded to the latest version of Clean-Up (4.21) just to be sure it wasn't a
programming flaw that was later "cleaned up" ;-) Just for grins and chuckles I
tried changing the file extension on Clean-Up just to see if I could get it to
run as an accessory but it choked. It appears that something in Clean-Up is
reaching out and making some form of memory grab and MDD's buffer is standing
in the way. If the buffer is large enough there are no problems -- too small
and Clean-Up refuses to acknowledge the dialog boxc selector buttons.
Although I run several programs out of the AUTO folder (UIS III, HotWire,
HotSaver, PinHead (good stuff huh?), ICD AdSpeed, Copyfix, Desk Manager, and
at times X_Mon) I have tracked the problem to MDD by booting a "clean" system
with ONLY MDD loaded prior to Clean-Up (Yes, I powered down long enough).
I still would like to know what the root cause of the problem is, but the
present fix appears to have no ill effects. I would appreciate any light you
might be able to shed on this one...
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 17 Wed May 27, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 03:58 EDT
Dave St.,
I'm confident that if I had about 5 minutes in front of your machine, I'd find
the problem. There can be no conflict between MultiDesk and CleanUp. They
have nothing to do with each other. Remember once again that a "clean system
with ONLY MDD" is not clean unless there are no resident ACCs in MDD and no
MDXes listed. As for the message stating you don't have enough room in the
buffer, that's a GEM alert box and there's no way that it could "fly by"
without being able to read it unless you're using some conflicting program.
An alert box always stops for user input.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 18 Wed May 27, 1992
NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 06:05 EDT
Alerts 'flying by' sounds like DCNOALRT, which always takes the default
exit from an alert, and which is one of the most dangerous programs I have
ever SEEN, to have in a system!
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 19 Wed May 27, 1992
J.ZORZIN [Joe] at 06:48 EDT
I asked this several weeks ago but the replies missed the target.
Will the .acc version of Multidesk Delux work if called from within the Laser
C shell? And will it work it work if Neodesk is loaded? I ask this because
the earlier version will not work under these conditions. I.E., will the .acc
version be able to load an .acc. under these conditions?
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 20 Thu May 28, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 05:29 EDT
I just tried loading an ACC into MultiDesk Deluxe while inside the Laser C
Shell. It locks up just as it did in previous versions. I've got v1.1 of the
Laser C Shell and I don't know if there's a more recent version. I dropped
the use of this shell long ago because it is just too ill-behaved. Instead,
(when I lower myself to using C <grin>) I use the Laser C compiler and
associated tools but call them from a HotWire shell.
The Laser C Shell uses illegal variables and techniques. This makes it
unreliable and incompatible with MultiDesk and other resident software.
There's nothing we can (or wish to) do about this. There are several other
reliable alternatives that can be used for C development.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 21 Fri May 29, 1992
J.ZORZIN [Joe] at 04:59 EDT
Thanks John for your comments on the use of MultiDesk Deluxe with the Laser C
Shell. Will MultiDesk Deluxe (accessory) work if Neodesk is loaded?
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 22 Sat May 30, 1992
D.STMARTIN [Dave St.] at 04:54 EDT
I was aware that resident ACC's could create a definate conflict, but assumed
MDX's did not present any problem because they load when requested. Will go
back to MDD and configure MDD without my extensive TITLES.MDX list and see
what happens.
NOPE! No DCNOALRT loaded here! Utilities like that SCARE me too!
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 23 Sun May 31, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 01:02 EDT
Normally MDXs are not called until you click on them. But if another
application sends a message looking for a particular ACC, MDD will send it to
the appropriate MDX if it's in the list. To send the message, MDD must load
and init the ACC. It then dumps it back out. This scenario can cause problems
if the application checks for the presence of an ACC and then assumes that
it's still there without verifying it before each operation (such as Neodesk
and its accessories).
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 24 Thu Jun 04, 1992
K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 18:54 EDT
CodeHeads or anybody,
Is there any way that DAs, either ACCs or MDXs, in MDD can interfere with a
program? My MiGraph OCR has been acting a little hinky today, and they thought
it might be one of my many DAs or AUTO programs, but the only DA I use besides
MDD is Abbreviator.
Ken Van Dellen d8^)
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 25 Thu Jun 04, 1992
CODEHEAD [Charles] at 19:56 EDT
Welp....every DA is an island. :) It's definitely possible that
accessories loaded into MultiDesk could do something weird to the system.
MultiDesk Deluxe 3.4a is about as compatible as I know how to make a program;
it's pretty unlikely that MultiDesk itself is causing a problem. But there's
no way to predict conflicts caused by accessories loaded _into_ MultiDesk. If
you're having trouble you should always try booting up with MultiDesk alone,
with no accs loading into it -- resident or nonresident. You can keep the
MDXs from loading by renaming your MDX folder, or by changing the MDX path in
the Config screen and saving your config.
- Charles @ CodeHead Tech
Thursday, June 4, 1992 4:17 pm
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 26 Fri Jun 05, 1992
K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:57 EDT
Thanks, Charles. I didn't think the DAs in MDD loaded until I called for them,
so I couldn't believe anything that ran through MDD could cause a problem. It
sounds as though you're saying I was wrong.
Ken Van Dellen d8^)
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 27 Fri Jun 05, 1992
CODEHEAD [Charles] at 11:42 EDT
It is possible for nonresident DAs to become active even if you don't
explicitly open them, in one of two ways:
1. If you use the "-I" option in your TITLES.MDX file (to Initialize a
nonresident accessory).
2. If an outside application or DA uses the GEM appl_find() and appl_write()
calls to communicate with a nonresident DA. If this happens MultiDesk Deluxe
loads the nonresident DA, passes the message to it, then unloads it when it's
finished processing the message.
That's why I suggested removing all resident DAs AND making sure your
nonresident DAs aren't read either -- just trying to cover all the bases.
- Charles @ CodeHead Tech
Friday, June 5, 1992 8:37 am
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 28 Fri Jun 05, 1992
K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 18:49 EDT
Thanks for the explanation, Charles, and for the helpful suggestion. I don't
really care to know a whole lot about what goes inside this marvelous gray
box. I'm too busy getting with the software that makes it work. Sometimes,
though, I guess we have to learn some of the technical stuff. I'll bet I
wasn't the only one who didn't know the things you just told us, either!
Ken Van Dellen d8^)
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 29 Sun Jun 07, 1992
K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 15:47 EDT
After removing CALLUIS, as John suggested to someone, I find that my MDD
bootup still looks for it. How can I tell it to forget it?
Ken Van Dellen d8^)
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 30 Sun Jun 07, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 16:27 EDT
Save your MLT file as MULTDSKx.MLT in the root of your boot drive, where x is
the resolution number as described on page 31.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 31 Sun Jun 07, 1992
R.MARTIN22 [NETWORK 23] at 22:33 EDT
Looking at these past messages regarding loading MDD with no ACC's or MDX's
installed made me want something for the next MDD update, I'd like to see the
ability to save, in an MLT, whether or not MDX's are installed. Maybe the path
for MDX's could be saved in the MLT. That way, it could point to different
folders based on your setup (a really nice added bonus) AND it could point to
an "invalid" folder where there are no MDX's, resulting in a "pure" MDD.
Live And Direct [6:11 PM-7/Jun/92],
Rod Martin, Network 23/ST Connection
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 32 Sun Jun 07, 1992
CODEHEAD [Charles] at 23:02 EDT
That ability is already in MultiDesk Deluxe. The MDX path IS saved in an
MLT file; take a look at one, it's just a text file.
- Charles @ CodeHead Tech
Sunday, June 7, 1992 7:59 pm
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 33 Sun Jun 07, 1992
SFRT-ASST [Kene @ SFRT] at 23:45 EDT
I just looked at mine (with Maxifile).
Does that mean I could change the order of loading by changing the text
Who said a little knowledge is dangerous?
<hehehe> Where's my EdHak?
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 34 Mon Jun 08, 1992
CODEHEAD [Charles] at 01:46 EDT
Yes, you can change the order in which the accessories load by changing the
MLT file. Those three numbers are the sizes of the Reserve buffer, the MDX
buffer, and the resident buffer. (If you change them, they do have to be four-
digit numbers.)
- Charles @ CodeHead Tech
Sunday, June 7, 1992 10:35 pm
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 35 Mon Jun 08, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 01:46 EDT
We wrote page 12 especially for you. I'm hurt that you didn't read it. <grin>
Yes, a little knowledge is dangerous. That's why we keep trying to everyone
to read our entire manual. There's enough danger in the world already.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 36 Mon Jun 08, 1992
K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 06:25 EDT
I did a Save Setup, and MDD doesn't look for my deleted ACC anymore. I must
have done the right thing.
Ken Van Dellen d8^)
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 37 Mon Jun 08, 1992
K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:17 EDT
Thanks, John. You confirmed what I did. I had been trying to solve the problem
by saving the configuration, but I had to save the setup.
Ken Van Dellen d8^)
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 38 Mon Jun 08, 1992
R.MARTIN22 [NETWORK 23] at 07:48 EDT
>That ability is already in MultiDesk Deluxe. The MDX path IS saved
>in an MLT file; take a look at one, it's just a text file.
Thanks, I didn't know. It should be very simple to create a 'bare' MLT file
then, right?
Live And Direct [11:56 PM-7/Jun/92],
Rod Martin, Network 23/ST Connection
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 40 Mon Jun 08, 1992
R.MARTIN22 [NETWORK 23] at 19:35 EDT
I'm shocked that you would accuse ME of not reading your wonderful manuals!
<g> While I may leap into a program WHILE reading the manual to start using it
as quickly as possible, I do eventually read my manuals (I know how much work
you put into them!). There's just so much information that it's very easy to
forget things now and again.
Oooh. Reordering accessories! Yes, a little knowledge CAN be dangerous!
<"Danger, Will Robinson. Danger!">
Live And Direct [6:58 AM-8/Jun/92],
Rod Martin, Network 23/ST Connection
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 41 Tue Jun 09, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 04:21 EDT
There has always been a lot of confusion as to what happens when MultiDesk
boots up and loads its "default" setup. I just looked in the manual to find
the page to point out where this is clarified and I must apologize...it isn't
clarified at all, so I'll spell it out here.
When MultiDesk Deluxe boots up, it first looks in the root directory of the
boot drive for MULTDSKx.MLT (where "x" is the resolution number as documented
in Appendix B). If this file is not found, MultiDesk will load the setup that
has been saved internally within itself. This setup is updated whenever you do
a "Save" from the Configuration Box.
In other words, there are two ways to create a default load. If you've got a
default MULTDSKx.MLT file, the internal settings will not be used. This is
why many people are puzzled when they "Save" from the config box but do not
"Save Setup" to replace their MULTDSKx.MLT file.
If you use MultiDesk in different resolutions (and you have different files
you want loaded depending on the resolution), you should use the MLT file
method. But if you use the same setup in all resolutions (or only use one
resolution), it might be better or more convenient to always use "Save" from
the Config box and never save a MULTDSKx.MLT file.
These options are saved in both MLT files and the internal config:
List of resident ACCs complete with full paths to their locations
MDX path designator complete with wildcard extender
Size of resident buffer
Size of MDX buffer
Reserve size
These options are saved only in the internal configuration:
Menu name
Default path for resident accessory loading
Default path for MLT setup file loading
States of the following options:
Names Return
Auto-run Persist
Query Sort
Snap Timers Guides
Thunder Alerts BFIX
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 42 Tue Jun 09, 1992
K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:33 EDT
Thanks for the clarification. The two kinds of SAVES caused me some confusion,
but I stumbled onto the answer, as I do with software sometimes.
Your manuals, which I do read, but don't always retain in my head, are
probably the best I've seen. This little oversight is a good example of an
author being too close to his/her work. You know what you mean, and it's easy
to forget that the reader doesn't have your insights. Manual writers (writers
of manuals) have to assume the reader knows little or nothing about the
We appreciate your excellent online help.
No question, this time!!<G>
Ken Van Dellen d8^)
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 43 Tue Jun 09, 1992
SFRT-ASST [Kene @ SFRT] at 12:43 EDT
Thanks, John.
Ken (I have the record for being told "RTFM" the most by John.) Estes
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 44 Tue Jun 09, 1992
D.STMARTIN [Dave St.] at 14:39 EDT
Is there a file in the libraries that will upgrade MDD 3.3 --> 3.4? I have the
files to go from 3.4 --> 3.4a but in order to do so you must first have
upgraded to 3.4. Is the 3.4 upgrade a mail-in only deal or is there, in fact,
a utility in the library that will do just that.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 46 Tue Jun 09, 1992
NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 21:32 EDT
I believe that the only reason to go from 3.3 to 3.4 is a compatibility
problem with Warp 9. If you have Warp 9, you should have the 3.3 to 3.4
program. If you don't, you don't need it.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 47 Tue Jun 09, 1992
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 23:10 EDT
Thanks for the explanation of how MDD does it configuring, John. I had finally
figured it out on my own after much time spent wondering what you guys had had
in mind with the way it saves its setup files.
I'd like to see a single "save setup" option; what MDD has now is a little too
BTW, the more I use MDD the more I appreciate the way it works. The
"initialize MDX" option is a wonderful touch.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 48 Wed Jun 10, 1992
SFRT-ASST [Kene @ SFRT] at 00:13 EDT
I seldom have to think about MDD. That's transparent! That's the way programs
should be.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 49 Fri Jun 19, 1992
PDC.SW at 03:22 EDT
When running Steno from Multidesk the fonts get set to a small size (looks
like 6 point) when the settings in Steno say 10 point. Is there any reason
for this?
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 50 Sun Jun 21, 1992
GRMEYER [Gordon Meyer] at 19:23 EDT
Greetings! I currently have Xcontrol set to auto-initialize in my MDD setup.
I do this so I can have the window/sound settings I want w/out having to waste
memory by having Xcontrol active at all times. However, I've noticed that when
I have MDD load an alternate setup via hotwire chain, then re-load the default
setup upon exit from an application, MDD seems to go thru the whole auto-
initialize routine all over again. This results in a bit of delay in getting
back to the desktop.
Since the -I option is stored in the TITLES file there doesn't seem to be
anyway to avoid this. Right? (other than having xcontrol always loaded I
Gordon R. Meyer
5:01:32 pm CT Sunday, June 21, 1992
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 51 Mon Jun 22, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 03:34 EDT
One solution to your problem is to have two MDX folders, but that's probably
not very desirable. You'd probably end up keeping two sets of the same MDXs,
wasting a lot of memory on your hard disk.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 52 Tue Jun 23, 1992
In reading old messages about TOS 2.06 (since I just had it installed), I read
about problems with MDXTITLE.PRG -- so I went and tried it and had a crash
after trying to save the changes I entered. Has there been a fix to this since
the message I read was posted (probably in April). If so, where can I find it?
- Jason Saffer
Hercules, California
Monday, June 22, 1992 9:06 pm
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 53 Tue Jun 23, 1992
A.CASSINO [Andy] at 01:11 EDT
Dear CodeHeads,
I have MultiDesk Deluxe (version 3.4) and Warp 9 (version 3.6). I have
WARP9_CP.ACC installed as an MDX. After the first time I install a font with
WARP9_CP.ACC after booting, I get a message that says, "Ouch! Someone or
something grabbed the system vector at $00000084 after this nonresident DA
did! Better not open any other MDX's". I generally ignore this warning <grin>
and continue along my merry way, with no apparent ill-effects. Am I living on
borrowed time?
Lucky So Far (aka Andy Cassino)
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 54 Tue Jun 23, 1992
SFRT-ASST [Kene @ SFRT] at 02:49 EDT
As far as I know there's no fix to the title program. The file it creates is
straight ASCII. You can make your own file with any text editor. The specs for
the file are in the manual. _I_ keep a backup of my title file in another
folder under a different name.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 55 Tue Jun 23, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 20:44 EDT
Thank you for reminding me. I've meant to upload a new version of MDXTITLE,
but haven't yet done so.
Yes, you're living on borrowed time. That message means that something is
possibly corrupted in your memory. That fact that you have no "apparent" ill-
effects doesn't preclude the possibility that there are "unapparent" ill-
effects. A crash could happen any time after that message, possibly losing
some of your work.
It says on page 10 of the Warp 9 manual that "it should be loaded as a
resident accessory". Perhaps we should have been stronger about this and
stated "it should NOT be loaded as a non-resident accessory".
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 56 Tue Jun 23, 1992
NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 21:35 EDT
Suggested wording for the Warp 9 Control Panel.
It MUST be loaded, either as a desktop accessory, OR as a RESIDENT MDD
Surely THAT is specific enough...
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 57 Tue Jun 23, 1992
E.KRIMEN [Ed Krimen] at 23:37 EDT
It's ironic that Andy brings up that error message because this past weekend I
had a similar one, except my system vector was $000004E6 (I think that's the
correct number of zeroes). In any case, I traced it to NeoControl Panel which
I had just installed as an MDX. I have MultiDesk 3.4a. What's $000004E6?
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 58 Wed Jun 24, 1992
J.WISNIEWSK2 [Jeff - ST'er] at 03:57 EDT
Strange, I have been using the MDXTITLE program with no problems...
^^^^ JSW ^^^^
^^^^ ST'er ^^^^
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 59 Wed Jun 24, 1992
D.LIVINGST11 [Big Earnest] at 05:20 EDT
$4e6 is one of the vertical blank interrupt routines installed by a program.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 60 Wed Jun 24, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 11:32 EDT
In case anyone missed the discussion last fall when MultiDesk Deluxe was
release, or has not read the README!!!!!! file:
DO NOT keep any Neodesk accessories in your MultiDesk MDX folder!
The reasons for this are technical, but suffice it to say that their mere
presence in the MDX folder will cause problems, even if you don't open them.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 61 Thu Jun 25, 1992
E.KRIMEN [Ed Krimen] at 21:51 EDT
>In case anyone missed the discussion last fall when MultiDesk Deluxe was
>release, or has not read the README!!!!!! file:
...or has read the README file but has since forgotten what was in it...
> DO NOT keep any Neodesk accessories in your MultiDesk MDX folder!
Thanks, John. :^)
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 62 Sun Jun 28, 1992
P.MORALES1 [Pat] at 12:48 EDT
I'm having trouble with a couple of accessories used as either an ACC
or an MDX within MDD and I thought what better place to mention it.
Both programs, Min_Cal and Convector, exhibit the same problem,
becoming active when selecting MDD from the menu bar after either has
been run once. This pretty much destroys the usefulness of MDD once
these programs have run. So for now, they're gone. Any help would be
Thanks, Pat
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 63 Sun Jun 28, 1992
A.MASON4 [Anna] at 17:23 EDT
Same here, Jeff. I've been using the MDXTITLE prg. without any trouble, too.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 64 Sun Jun 28, 1992
V.PATRICELL1 [Vince] at 18:32 EDT
I have the same problem that Pat mentioned in message 62 with HCopy when
used as an accessory (either MDX or ACC) in MDD. Once it is selected,
everytime you select MDD after this, HCopy will show up. Only a reboot will
solve it until the next time HCopy is selected, then the same problem. BTW,
HCopy is in the libraries and the extension can be changed from PRG to ACC.
It works fine as a regular accessory.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 65 Sun Jun 28, 1992
J.WISNIEWSK2 [Jeff - ST'er] at 20:00 EDT
Some accessories are not written to follow the correct way. And not
all accessories like to be made into a MDX or loaded by another program.
There are several other accessories that will not work correctly with MDD..
^^^^ JSW ^^^^
^^^^ ST'er ^^^^
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 66 Sun Jun 28, 1992
CODEHEAD [Charles] at 20:27 EDT
Thanks for mentioning that; I'll have a look at it. I know what Convector
is, but what's Min_Cal?
- Charles @ CodeHead Tech
Sunday, June 28, 1992 4:03 pm
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 67 Mon Jun 29, 1992
A.CASSINO [Andy] at 00:43 EDT
Oh, I got the impression from the "NOTE" on page 10 of the Warp 9 manual that
the Warp 9 accessory should be resident for performance reasons, not for
system integrity reasons. Thanks for clarifying that!
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 68 Mon Jun 29, 1992
PDC.SW at 01:22 EDT
Atari-ST RoundTable Category 32, Topic 5 Message 60 Wed Jun 24, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 11:32 EDT
> DO NOT keep any Neodesk accessories in your MultiDesk MDX folder!
John, what about Steno? When using it from MDD, the fonts are a smaller size,
but running it outside of it the size is fine. What causes this and is there
any fix? (Selecting SET PREFERENCES in Steno causes the font to get put into
the right size)
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 69 Mon Jun 29, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 11:20 EDT
MultiDesk has a switch built in to attempt to combat persistent ACCs (those
that take over MDD's slot). Try holding Alternate when selecting MultiDesk
from the menu bar. This has been in MultiDesk since the very first version,
but hasn't been needed for years because MultiDesk was improved shortly after
that to solve most of these conflicts.
We'll be looking into these problems, but perhaps the Alternate key can
eliminate the need for rebooting for those having these problems.
P.S. Have you tried this with the "TIMERS" button enabled?
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 70 Mon Jun 29, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 18:16 EDT
When you load an accessory into MultiDesk from a location other than the root
of your boot drive, it may not be able to correctly find its associated files.
There is no documented "correct" way for an ACC to find its files, so each
author seems to use his own method to do it.
It sounds like your STeno is not finding its config file until you "SET
PREFERENCES". You should try various locations of its config file until you
come up with the correct one.
In general, to get an ACC to find its files you should try:
1. Put the files in the same directory as the ACC. (This should
work with _all_ CodeHead accessories, e.g. G+PLUS.ACC/ASSIGN.INS).
2. Put the files in the root of the drive containing the ACC.
3. Put the files in the root of C.
4. Put the files and ACC in the root of C with a different extension
on the ACC so that it isn't loaded as a normal ACC.
5. Give up. This accessory is too stubborn. <grin>
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 71 Mon Jun 29, 1992
P.MORALES1 [Pat] at 23:38 EDT
Charles @ CodeHead Tech
>... but what's Min_Cal?
Thanks for the quick response. Min_Cal is an accessory subset of
Andrzej Wrotniak's El Cal program. The accessory worked fine with
MultiDesk through version 3.3. It died after updating to 3.4 and
also with 3.4a. Convector I just got. (Sorry, the price got me)
Yes, I tried holding the Alternate Key before I ever bothered you.
It doesn't help. That's why I thought this was so wierd. The TIMERS
button, I didn't try. I thought it was for event-driven resident
accessories. I'd really like to leave these as MDXs if I have a
choice. I only tried them as ACCs to be thorough.
Thanks, again... Pat
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 72 Tue Jun 30, 1992
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 00:19 EDT
Set up STeno the way you want, then save the configuration (alt-G will work).
Make sure you save it to the copy of SENO.ACC that is running under MDD, and
the font size should be right the next time you reboot.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 73 Tue Jun 30, 1992
G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 07:45 EDT
STeno has no separate config files; it saves the config into itself (like many
CodeHead products do!).
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 74 Wed Jul 01, 1992
R.SNYDER6 [Roger] at 00:01 EDT
Can I get MDD to boot up with Thunder! installed, but turned off? Saving MDD's
configuration does not save the status of the Thunder button.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 75 Wed Jul 22, 1992
G.LEONE [Gerry] at 20:08 EDT
Here's a question with (hopefully) a simple answer: How come I need to have a
disk in Drive A before MultiDesk will load resident accessories from the
Today I accidently didn't have my boot disk (nothing on it but BootTyme) in
Drive A, and MultiDesk stopped dead, telling me that Drive A wasn't
responding. I've got my configurations set for drive C:\ for the DA path,
Setup file path, and MDX path.
Simple answer?
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 76 Wed Jul 22, 1992
H.WOOTAN [Harry] at 22:57 EDT
Do you have an ACC that looks on drive A for anything?
-- Harry
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 77 Wed Jul 22, 1992
G.LEONE [Gerry] at 23:03 EDT
Nope. The only resident DAs I have are HotSaver, SI Ramdisk, and Warp and all
of them have their associated .RSC or .CFG files on C:\ also.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 78 Thu Jul 23, 1992
K.CAVAGHAN2 [OakSprings] at 04:33 EDT
I have SI Ramdisk in MultiDesk as well, and it looks to drive A whenever I
boot up. Try deleting it from your normal.mlt (the one that MultiDesk uses to
load all of it's acc's) and see what happens.
Kent @ OakSprings Software
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 79 Thu Jul 23, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 12:00 EDT
If your floppy drive is being accessed by MultiDesk during bootup, it's
because you told it to. <grin> Your MD paths may be set to drive C, but your
setup file may loading an accessory from drive A. Try looking at your MLT file
(it's a text file). It might give you a clue.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 80 Thu Jul 23, 1992
NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 19:27 EDT
Better yet, dump SI Ramdisk and get CodeRam (CodeHead Utilities Disk).
Shameless plug, and thanks for all the great software, CodeHeads..
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 81 Fri Jul 24, 1992
G.LEONE [Gerry] at 00:25 EDT
Hmmm, John. Here's my whole .MLT file:
That's it. No "A:\" nowhere.
(Yes, Ron, I know, I know... but I just get locked into old habits and my
comfort level stays high that way...)
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 82 Fri Jul 24, 1992
M.ALLEN14 [Mike Allen] at 01:19 EDT
I have noticed that when running Quick Index (1.8 or 2.2) that the DMA 64K
Read test will cause a crash (bombs) when I have MultiDesk 2.2 installed.
I pulled all my ACCs except MD and all ACCs from MD. I removed all auto prgs
except WELCOME.PRG and Mouse Boot 3d.5E. Still crashed.
I am using a MSTe with TOS 2.05. The internal HD is a Maxtor 7120 formatted
and partitioned with HDX 5.0. I am using ADHI 5.0, booting from the HD.
This is then only thing that I have seen that conflicts with MD. Is there a
problem or is there something unique with Quick Index?
I probably should upgrade to MDD.
Mike Allen
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 83 Fri Jul 24, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 04:39 EDT
OK, now you must look for reasons why one of your ACCs may be accessing drive
A. The answer is within, and it's up to you to dig it out. HotSaver doesn't
look at any explicit path so it's off the hook. I'm not sure about SI_RAM
because I haven't used it enough. Have you checked your default path in
WARP9_CP.ACC to verify that it's not set to drive A?
If you have to, remove them one at a time to determine the problem. Only you
can find the answer.
Mike Allen,
Thanks for the report. I don't recall any other reports of crashing with
Qindex's DMA read test. It's certainly never crashed for me on any TOS
verison with any version of MultiDesk.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 84 Fri Jul 24, 1992
H.WOOTAN [Harry] at 08:50 EDT
As someone else mentioned, I'm pretty sure the SI RAM Disk program looks on
drive A: (maybe for its resource file or config file). But I haven't used it
in ages since I got the CodeHeads RAM Disk. :-)
Try booting up with only the SI-RAM ACC (and no MultiDesk, etc). Or remove SI-
RAM from your MultiDesk config and boot up to see whether it still accesses
drive A:.
-- Harry
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 85 Fri Jul 24, 1992
G.LEONE [Gerry] at 23:19 EDT
In other words, "Use the force, Gerry!"... right, John? (I'll give it a try
and report back). Thanks to you, too, Harry.
... A short time later...
*** MAN AM I EMBARASSED *** (You medium-res users may now turn your monitor a
bright shade of RED...)
Turns out that during some futzing around within the past few months I must've
hozed my SI_RAM configuration file, and the sucker was using its default...
drive A...
God, I'm sorry. Thanks for the patience, you guys.
-- Gerry "DUH" Leone
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 86 Fri Jul 24, 1992
NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 23:20 EDT
Have you been loading anything into the ramdisk from Floppy, and still have
SI Ramdisk looking at the A: drive?
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 87 Sat Jul 25, 1992
J.WISNIEWSK2 [Jeff - ST'er] at 05:14 EDT
Actually I think that was why I stopped using SI-Ram, it keep looking to
drive A...
^^^^ JSW ^^^^
^^^^ ST'er ^^^^
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 88 Sat Jul 25, 1992
G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:10 EDT
Me too, Jeff!
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 89 Sat Jul 25, 1992
T.EVANS21 [<Ted E.>] at 08:57 EDT
Get the CH's ram disk and be done with all those problem Ram Disks...
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 90 Sat Jul 25, 1992
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 10:15 EDT
Check that SI_RAM.ACC setup. Just because you are loading the DA from the hard
drive doesn't mean it isn't looking for something on the floppy.
I also agree about the ramdisk being out-of-date. There are many others that
are better, including some that are freeware. But the Codes' own ramdisk is
the best.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 91 Sun Aug 09, 1992
T.EVANS21 [<Ted E.>] at 17:51 EDT
Is there a way to re-order the MDD-MDX display.. What I mean is: can you
sort/shuffle the order to get the .ACC's the way you like them to be listed
each time?? Am I making sense??
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 92 Sun Aug 09, 1992
SFRT-ASST [Kene @ SFRT] at 19:00 EDT
Order your TITLES.MDX the way you want it and don't select the SORT OPTION in
the Config???
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 95 Tue Aug 11, 1992
E.KRIMEN [Ed Krimen] at 21:17 EDT
It's been discussed before that there's a way to set up MDD and your desk
accessories so that you don't have to have duplicate DAs and MDXs on your hard
disk. Can someone please tell me how this is done? I can't figure it out!
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 96 Tue Aug 11, 1992
OUTRIDER [Terry] at 23:41 EDT
The way I do it is I keep all my ACCs in my C: root directory. Then for my
MDX path I use C:\*.AC?. So it picks up all my ACCs, whether they have an
.ACC or .ACX extender. No dupes!
- Terry -
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 97 Wed Aug 12, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 12:33 EDT
You can set your MDX path to the root of drive C, but that would be silly
since you'd then be able to load non-resident ACCs that are already resident
in the desk dropdown menu.
You can also load "resident" ACCs (Load Acc) from your MDX folder (it doesn't
matter if it's still available as an MDX), and you can load an ACC as an MDX
(Load MDX) from any location.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 98 Wed Aug 12, 1992
OUTRIDER [Terry] at 21:54 EDT
I guess I'm silly, since my MDX path points to C:. ;^)
Just because you CAN load resident ACCs doesn't mean you HAVE to!
You can also use C:\*.ACX, which would not show normal resident ACCs, though
it would still show ACCs loaded into MultiDesk.
- Terry -
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 99 Thu Aug 13, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 00:33 EDT
Oops...forget what I said about the root of C. If you use a wild card for
your MDX as Terry suggested, it makes a lot of sense. <grin>
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 101 Sun Aug 16, 1992
K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 14:05 EDT
I'd like to use "Install", Tom Hudson's screen dump program from Antic. Would
it be best as an ACC or an MDX with MDD, or should I keep it as an outside
ACC? I guess it has to stay resident, so one of the ACC options is probably
required, but It would be nice to use it with MDD.
Ken Van Dellen d8^)
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 102 Mon Aug 17, 1992
MUSE [Tomas] at 02:03 EDT
When in doubt, experiment. See if it will work as an MDX first, then try it
as an MDX with the Control-I option of MDX Title Maker. XCONTROL.ACC will work
this way and it conserves memory.
August 16, 1992 @ 22:32:20 pm PDT
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 103 Wed Sep 16, 1992
C.ROSE4 [RAGE] at 01:41 EDT
I'm having a problem with MultiDesk 3.4, NeoDesk 3.0x, Warp9, and Notator SL.
When I run MD, ND, and W9 everything goes along fine, but as soon as I plug in
the Notator copy protection key, NeoDesk won't auto load. I get a message
that reads, Unable to locate NEODESKH.RSC, and then it aborts. If I then run
NeoDesk from the GEM desk top, MultiDesk won't funtion properly. And after
all this, if I remove the Notator key and reboot, NeoDesk still won't load,
and MultiDesk functions incorrectly, if at all.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 104 Wed Sep 16, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 19:21 EDT
It sounds like you're running up against the same old malfunction in GEM (or
STARTGEM) auto-loading. Neither the GEM desktop nor STARTGEM are reliable
ways to auto-start programs because they do not wait for all of the ACCs to
finish loading before running the autostart program. This is not the fault of
MultiDesk and there's nothing MultiDesk can do to stop it.
Boot up without trying to auto-load Neodesk and I think you'll find your
problems will disappear. Then take the problem to Gribnif and see if they
have any suggestions.
The only reliable way to auto-start a program on any version of TOS is by
using HotWire.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 105 Thu Sep 17, 1992
C.ROSE4 [RAGE] at 01:34 EDT
Thanks John, I'm sure that will take care of the problem.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 106 Sun Nov 08, 1992
M.ALLEN14 [Mike Allen] at 15:29 EST
Another weird one. The DMA 64k read test in Quick Index 2.2 trashes the
resident file names in MDD 3.4a.
Stripped the system, etc. 4 meg MSTe, TOS 2.05, AHDI 5.0, Maxtor 7120S (BGM
Mike Allen
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 107 Mon Nov 09, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 17:14 EST
Mike Allen,
You didn't mention which drive(s) you were using for the DMA test. I tried A
and various hard drive partitions and didn't have any problems. I suspect
that AHDI 5.0 might have something to do with it. If it is somehow trashing
the names of MultiDesk's accessories, I'm afraid there's nothing we can do to
stop it.
I don't have any systems here with AHDI on them so I can't really test it
here. Has anyone else here experienced this problem?
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 108 Tue Nov 10, 1992
M.ALLEN14 [Mike Allen] at 00:15 EST
If I run the DMA test on the A: drive it works ok. If I run it on the C: or
E: partitions it trashes the the resident names in MDD. If I run on the D: or
F: partition, it doesn't even run - just goes off and then returns with a 0%
Now the interesting part - if I run the A: drive first and then the C: or E:
partitions without exiting QINDEX then there is no trashing of the resident
names. D: and F: still act the same.
You are probably right - AHDI 5.0 and/or the BGM partitions. I've asked
questions about AHDI 5.0 in the ATARI CORP ON-LINE category and, after long
and snippy cage-rattling on my part, got a "Everything's wonderful with AHDI
5.0" answer. Maybe someone from Atari will feel fit to address this question
It is no big problem in itself, how often do I need to run QINDEX? It just
makes me wonder what else may be lurking under the surface waiting to bite me.
Thanks again for your always prompt and informative answers.
Mike Allen
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 109 Tue Nov 10, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 13:43 EST
Mike Allen,
I just thought of something that might be causing the problem. Apparently,
Quick Index is reading sectors into a buffer and it may not be taking into
account that BGM sectors are twice as large, 1024 bytes (or maybe even larger
on your BGM partitions). This could have the effect of overwriting memory
past Quick Index. Depending on how your memory has been fragmented or maybe
you've loaded an MDX setup, this could be within MultiDesk's memory.
Believe me, this has nothing to do with MultiDesk. But I would highly
recommend that anyone with BGM partitions avoid using the Quick Index DMA
test. We don't have the source code to Quick Index (and Darek lost it himself
<grin>) so this cannot be fixed.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 110 Tue Nov 10, 1992
K.HOUSER [Kevin MQ Def] at 19:04 EST
Now if Darek would 'lose' the sources for WinDoze. :)
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 111 Tue Nov 10, 1992
M.ALLEN14 [Mike Allen] at 22:49 EST
Thanks - I kinda wondered about the BGM partitions (yeah - the sector size is
1k) - that's why I mentioned them.
Like I said, how often do I need to run QINDIX? Oh, about every Warp9
upgrade. 8^}
Mike Allen
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 112 Tue Nov 10, 1992
J.NESS [Jim] at 23:50 EST
Mike Allen -
You might want to use NBM, in the libraries here, as a substitute for Quick
Index, if QI causes problems for you. NBM does similar tests, but the disk
test uses standard GEMDOS file calls, and does not care what size sectors your
drive may have.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 113 Wed Nov 11, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 04:59 EST
Mike Allen,
You can definitely run Quick Index to test Warp 9 if you want. Just don't use
the DMA test. Warp 9 doesn't affect it anyway.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 114 Wed Nov 11, 1992
NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 05:17 EDT
I don't believe that they have done anything to speed up Warp 9's
writing of text to the screen for a while, but I still hope they will
'tweak' something and get another 1000% or so somewhere. Grin.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 115 Fri Nov 13, 1992
K.MILLER69 [Kyle Miller] at 01:59 EST
I am enjoying the heck out of MDD. It is very nice to have access to
accessories without having to reboot.
My question...
I don't know if ya'll have tried the file in the GEnie library called
GEM_Sound. It replaces GEM activities with DMA sounds. It is quite nice. It
works fine with everything, except when booting.
When MDD initializes XControl, it kicks the GEM_Sound CPX in, which has to be
at least initialized for the program to work. MDD tells me that vector
$000008 has been taken and that I should not load an MDX. (I hope I got that
number right.) I hit OK to continue. Everything seems to work fine, even
when I select an MDX. No problems, just that warning box in the beginning
breaks the rhythm of the auto-load.
Can you try this program out and see if there something I can do to fix this?
I have it auto loading after all my CodeHead stuff. Should I put it before?
Is there anybody else out there using GEM_Sound and MDD?
- Kyle A. Miller
San Antonio, Texas
November 13, 1992 - 12:39:12 am
P.S. For your troubles, you at least get to have fun with an interesting
program. :-)
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 116 Fri Nov 13, 1992
M.ALLEN14 [Mike Allen] at 03:14 EST
I'm using GEM_Sound and MDD 3.4a. I have tried a bunch of things (Xcontrol as
MDD resident and as normal ACC, W9 in and out, etc.) and I haven't seen your
problem. Wonder if you have some other auto program/acc that is interfering.
I'm running on a 4 meg MSTe with tos 2.05
What machine are you using, and what ACCs/Auto prgs and what versions?
Mike Allen
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 117 Fri Nov 13, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 10:34 EST
If you're getting the message that a vector is being stolen with an MDX, it
means that it's not safe to use that ACC as an MDX. In this case, it's a CPX
that's loading into XControl. It also means that this CPX is stepping outside
of its bounds as a CPX and should have been either an AUTO program or a
regular ACC.
MultiDesk is telling you that you should run XControl as a resident accessory.
You can choose to ignore this message and you may never have a problem. Or
you may have a crash later, losing valuable data. The choice is yours. I'm
sorry, but MultiDesk is not responsible for this problem and is simply doing
what it's designed to do.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 118 Fri Nov 13, 1992
K.HOUSER [Kevin MQ Def] at 20:02 EST
Unless of course the MDX is my CONDUCTR.ACC. It looks for a cookie signalling
that my TSR MidiOSEX is resident and then procedds to call code in the TSR to
set vectors in the TSR. MDD will give ya the 'ouch' message, but it is safe to
load in & release the Conductor as a MDX.
Note: This is a special case accessory. It doesn't actually steal any vectors
itself. It just calls the correct TSR routine to set the TSR's vectors.
John, if there is something about MDD that I've overlooked... please correct
me. :)
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 119 Fri Nov 13, 1992
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 20:26 EST
GEM-Sound did that on my TT system, too. I took Xcontrol out of MDX status and
made it a resident DA inside MDD and that seemed to fix it.
BTW, you don't save much memory by making Xcontrol an MDX; CPX modules (unless
they are set for resident: Yes status) aren't actually loaded until you double-
click on them. Having Xcontrol as a resident MDD DA makes it pop up a lot
faster and with a lot less drama, espcially if you have a lot of CPXes like I
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 120 Fri Nov 13, 1992
OUTRIDER [Terry] at 22:12 EST
Notwithstanding the legalities of the GEM Sound CPX, I believe the docs are
pretty clear that it needs to be resident in order for GEM Sound to work.
As for memory consumption, yes, CPX modules require very little memory, but
the XControl Panel itself requires a fair amount of memory.
((( Terry )))
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 121 Sun Nov 15, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 03:09 EST
Yes, that's correct. I shouldn't have said that the "vectors have been
stolen" message _always_ means a problem. In the case of your ACC and some
others, it may be perfectly all right.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 122 Sat Nov 21, 1992
A.B.SMITH [Barry] at 05:31 EST
How does one set up MD to always load certain ACC's as Resident. Every time I
set it up the way I want it such as with WARP_9 as resident, it is gone the
next time I reboot. It's no doubt simple but some times it seems that the
simplest things with these computers are the most difficult. Thanks. -Barry
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 123 Sat Nov 21, 1992
T.ZENTHOEFE1 [Tom Z.] at 08:27 EST
Barry, look on pages 8 and 16 of the Multidesk Deluxe manual. On page 8 you
see the main MDD dialog box including the button that says Save Setup.
On page 16, you will see a picture of the Configuration editor, including the
Save button.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 124 Sat Nov 21, 1992
J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 10:48 EDT
Message: 122, left on November 21, 1992 From: A.B.SMITH [Barry]
How does one set up MD to always load certain ACC's as Resident.
Every time I set it up the way I want it such as with WARP_9 as
resident, it is gone the next time I reboot.
You need to save your setup! See your manual for:
* Save Setup (page 12 in my manual)
* Auto Load (Resolution-Dependent Setup Files)
(Page 31 in my manual)
>> Joe M <<
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 125 Sat Nov 21, 1992
C.HERBORTH [-Chris-] at 23:51 EST
Does anyone have any suggestions for using MultiDesk with MiNT? I'm getting
quite addicted to multitasking... ;-)
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 126 Sun Nov 22, 1992
K.MILLER69 [Kyle Miller] at 13:17 EST
I tried XControl as MDD resident, and all was well. :-( Why the sad face?
That means I will have to give up GEM Sound because I don't care to burn 100k
on XControl Panel.
I autoboot Hotwire, LGS, FormDoIt (maybe Let'em Fly if it's in English now! I
think it's better), SerialFix, WrapFix, Maxifile, MDD (of course), and
Warp9/Warp9 Control Panel. Oh yeah, I also load CodeKeys. Any sound like a
trouble maker?
I have a question concerning CodeKeys and MDD. Can I link a MDX to a CodeKey
file? I have an ACC called AreaCode that the programmer gave some CodeKey
files with. I tried to LNK it, but when called from MDD, the CodeKey file is
not called. Is there a missing communications link between the two programs
or am I doing something wrong? Help!
GEM Sound seemed to work pretty fine just by initializing the XControl Panel
at bootup. Only problem was the boot process halting because of MDD's dialog
box. Not that I mind the warning. I am happy it does it.
Thanx for the info.! Always quick with an answer. :-)
- Kyle A. Miller
San Antonio, Texas
November 17, 1992 - 1:48:30 am
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 127 Sun Nov 22, 1992
SFRT-ASST [Kenne@SFRT] at 15:11 EST
I suspect that you can only link Area Code when run as a program. But you can
probably install the CodeKey macros in other .Key files _if_ you want them
that badly.
TOS needs (if it's possible) a way to tell if an Accessory is installed.
And this will probably start a flamewar but Atari should have tried to buy MDD
and then code it to work like the Apple Menu Items under Mac System 7.
Anything is a DA at that point.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 128 Mon Nov 23, 1992
J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 04:12 EDT
FormDoIt has been implicated in a number of problems.
>> Joe M <<
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 129 Tue Nov 24, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 12:49 EST
The conflict is not with XControl itself, but with one of your CPXes. Perhaps
it's one that you don't really need to use.
Regarding CodeKeys, there's no way for it (or any other program) to detect the
opening of an accessory. The KEY file for Areacode is to be used when it runs
as a program.
What you described is the way MultiTOS applications are handled (listed in the
ACC menu).
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 130 Tue Nov 24, 1992
SFRT-ASST [Kenne@SFRT] at 13:26 EST
But... but... I'll need a Falcon to run MultiTOS!!! Now, I saw the Falcon at
TCN the other day during the party. With the 4 track direct to disk recording
through software it looked like a nice investment. But having learned my
lesson with my first ST I now skip hardware generations.
So, can you say? Which Codehead products are MultiTOS compatible?
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 131 Tue Nov 24, 1992
OUTRIDER [Terry] at 22:26 EST
Actually, Atari has indicated they'll release MultiTOS to the public domain
for 68000 ST[e]s.
((( Terry )))
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 132 Tue Nov 24, 1992
SFRT-ASST [Kenne@SFRT] at 23:04 EST
That's not what I heard in the MultiTOS topic.
I'll play it as it lays.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 133 Tue Nov 24, 1992
T.MCCOMB [=Tom=] at 23:33 EST
As far as I know Atari has NEVER said they were going to release MultiTOS for
anything toehr than 68030/040 machines.
They specifically don't want to have to deal with support problems when people
crash mutiple programs running on 68000's w/o hardware protection.
In all honesty, I can't blame them. It would be nice if they'd license the
68000 version to a third party. Like the CodeHeads.
-Tom McComb
{11:05 pm} Tuesday, November 24, 1992
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 134 Tue Nov 24, 1992
MIKE.KELLER [ST Aladdin] at 23:47 EDT
MultiTOS will be available for the TT.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 135 Wed Nov 25, 1992
MUSE [Tomas] at 00:09 EST
>So, can you say? Which Codehead products are MultiTOS compatible?
Well, I don't think we can say yet. But, there IS a very popular document
processor that has been upgraded to take advantage of a multi-tasking
environment. (hint, hint)
November 24, 1992 @ 20:56:03 pm PST
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 138 Wed Nov 25, 1992
WAYNED. [Wayne] at 19:33 EST
All right!! An upgrade to CodeHead Ed to work in a multi-tasking
environment!!! :-)
Was I close? <GRIN>
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 139 Wed Nov 25, 1992
OUTRIDER [Terry] at 22:08 EST
I had gotten some reports from Comdex that Atari would release MultiTOS to the
masses for 68000 machines. I've since learned that those reports were in
error, and there are currently no plans to release it for anything other that
68030 (or higher) machines.
((( Terry )))
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 140 Thu Nov 26, 1992
SFRT-ASST [Kenne@SFRT] at 14:11 EST
No matter. There are viable alternatives. Depends on your definition of
viable, though.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 141 Thu Nov 26, 1992
K.MILLER69 [Kyle Miller] at 14:59 EST
Thanx for the information. I hope there is way to tie a .KEY to an MDX at
least. It seems that code could be written between MDD and CodeKeys to do
this. CodeKeys monitors what MDD is loading, either ACC or MDX, and load the
appropriate .KEY. The CodeHeads have a nice little system together with LGS,
Hotwire, Maxifile, CodeKeys, and MDD. A lot of those programs have
communications between each other in some form or fashion. Maybe something
can be worked up with MDD and CodeKeys. I'll read some more responses. :-)
- Kyle A. Miller
San Antonio, Texas
November 25, 1992 - 6:01:26 pm
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 142 Thu Nov 26, 1992
K.MILLER69 [Kyle Miller] at 18:42 EST
>J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 12:49 EST
>Regarding CodeKeys, there's no way for it (or any other program) to detect
>opening of an accessory. The KEY file for Areacode is to be used when it
>as a program.
Maybe not an ACC, but how about an MDX? When MDD is told to open an MDX, it
could check for CodeKeys in memory, and say "Hey! I am opening an MDX with
the name of AREACODE.ACC. Do you have a KEY file for it? If so, load it."
I know. Sounds simple, but it's you guys that know how hard or easy it is to
do it.
- Kyle A. Miller
San Antonio, Texas
November 26, 1992 - 2:55:46 pm
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 143 Thu Nov 26, 1992
SFRT-ASST [Kenne@SFRT] at 19:38 EST
I like that, Kyle. I think I asked that question before, myself. If I didn't
consider this message a "me too!"
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 144 Fri Nov 27, 1992
D.CHARTER at 19:53 EST
I just started experiencing a new problem to me. I looked in the manual (but
may have missed it), but couldn't find a solution. If I select "Load Acc"
nothing happens. I have to load my ACC as a MDX. Is this a known problem that
you can tell me what to change, or do I need to start playing with my Auto
programs and Accs. I know it used to work, but do not know when it quit - so I
don't know how many things I need to check.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 145 Sat Nov 28, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 10:47 EST
If you click on "Load ACC" and _nothing_ happens (not even a flicker?), you've
got a conflict. If you remove everything and it still happens, then you
should recopy MultiDesk from your master disk. I suspect you've got something
installed that affects the way the file selector works.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 146 Sat Nov 28, 1992
J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 12:26 EDT
Just a wild guess, but do you have RAM reserved for any
additional accessories?
>> Joe M <<
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 147 Sat Nov 28, 1992
D.CHARTER at 17:43 EST
I sort of thought it would be a conflict from something I recently changed.
The only thing I get is that the "Load ACC" does highlight when I press the
left button, but nothing else happens. I will do some checking and post what
I find the conflict is. Thanks for the help.
Joe, I might have, will have to check that out. Thanks.
I still cannot load an ACC file. I booted only with Deskmanager and
Multidesk. Is there any know conflict with ICD boot software? I also cannot
load a setup file - I get two bombs. When I tried to load Warp9 as an MDX, I
got an error saying somebody or something stole vector $00000084 ...do not
attempt to load an MDX. I know it is not Multidesk; I unhooked by hardrive
and booted of Floppy only. It loaded fine and I could load ACCs. I even copied
that Multidesk copy to my hard drive...no help. I either have a computer
problem or a conflict with my ICD/Toadfile 44+.
I am going to read all the messages in the catagory and see if I can find any
clues...but help would be greatly apreciated.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 148 Sat Nov 28, 1992
D.CHARTER at 18:11 EST
Update to my problem loading an ACC...
While reading the previous messages, I noticed that MDX's still are capable
of affecting operation even when not activated. So I went and changed my MDX
directory to C:\ - and ACC's load just fine. Now to find out what I changed
recently that caused this problem.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 149 Sat Nov 28, 1992
J.WISNIEWSK2 [Jeff - ST'er] at 23:18 EST
Usually when you get that error - 'Somebody stole the vector...' it is usually
something that is a MDX that should not be there. Do you by chance have X-
Control in as a MDX and you are trying to use GEMSOUND?.
^^^^ JSW ^^^^
^^^^ ST'er ^^^^
Saturday, November 28, 1992 - 10:59:14 pm
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 150 Sat Nov 28, 1992
NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 23:59 EDT
I use ICD BOOT 6.0.5, and MultiDesk. TOS 1.4, 4 meg 1040, and
have no problems loading an .ACC. I have a FULL complement of AUTO
and .ACCs, both within, and outside MultiDesk....
Check your Multi-Desk config file....
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 151 Sun Nov 29, 1992
CODEHEAD [Charles] at 00:44 EST
The maximum number of items (MDXs and ACCs combined) that MultiDesk Deluxe
can display in its scrolling list is 96; it sounds like you've reached the
limit and MD is refusing to let you load any more. It's probably time to go
through your MDX folder and remove a few of the accessories you don't use very
- Charles @ CodeHead Tech
Saturday, November 28, 1992 8:12 pm
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 152 Sun Nov 29, 1992
M.JONES52 [Jonesy] at 02:21 EST
Or maybe you could put the 'extra' mdx's in a different folder and install
MDD inside itself, with the paths in the nested MDD set to the new folder... I
think, not having tried this yet, waiting for a rainy day to play with it.
Ok, ok, so I've had MDD for a whole year now, make that a real frog-strangler
of a rainy day. <g>
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 153 Sun Nov 29, 1992
D.CHARTER at 10:00 EST
To All:
I have MANY ACCs in my MDX folder - so it was difficult to find the problem.
As it turned out, Charles was correct. I knew there was a limit, but did not
realize MultiDesk would act up if I 'overloaded' it...my fault for not paying
enough attention to the manual. The problem started after I returned from
WAACE and loaded all my new programs and accessories. I guess this drove it
over the limit. I have now made a new directory Extramdx for all the ACC that
I only use once in a great while. Everything is great.
Thanks for all the help.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 154 Mon Nov 30, 1992
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:41 EST
My copy of MultiDesk Deluxe did the same thing. I'm not at all inexperienced
with MDD, but it had me stumped. I installed a new copy and it was OK.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 155 Tue Dec 01, 1992
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 18:34 EST
I had hit the limit of 96,too, and I am suitably embarrassed to report that
the limit *is* mentioned in the documentation.
I *write* these things for a living, and now I have to remind myself to
RTFM.... :)
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 156 Thu Dec 03, 1992
K.HOUSER [Kevin MQ Def] at 22:43 EST
Atari hasn't really dealt w/ support anyway. Why would it matter in this case.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 157 Sun Dec 06, 1992
D.SHORR at 18:31 EST
Hi CodeHeads,
I've got a question about MultiDesk's method of ensuring that accessories find
their resource files; this only seems to work if the resource file is in the
same directory as the acc. I thought that the rsrc_load function also goes
thru the current search paths before failing. This doesn't seem to be
happening if MultiDesk is doing the work.
I tried this with the only two accessories I have which use RSC files, MemFile
and Steno. I set the PATH var to where their resource files were hidden; I
then launched a program so that the new environment would be in effect. When
I attempted to load the accs from within MD(their RSC files are now in another
directory), they both couldn't find them.
I then ran an auto program which can edit the desktop environment; this time
the accessories loaded fine(outside of MDD).
Could you explain what's going on?
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 158 Mon Dec 07, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 16:24 EST
Dave Shorr,
There _is_ no method of ensuring that accessories find their resource files.
The only method I know is trial and error. Usually, keeping the RSC files in
the same directory as the ACC works just fine, although not always.
Apparently, for some reason you don't want to do this.
The path-searching during resource loading is done by the operating system.
Presumably, it obtains the environment variables only once at bootup. I think
that if you have an AUTO program which sets the "PATH=" environment to where
you want it, your RSC files would be found in the path(s) defined.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 159 Mon Dec 07, 1992
D.SHORR at 19:52 EST
I know there is no way of guaranteeing that accs find their rsc files; but,
the rsrc_load function will also look in the search paths defined by the PATH
variable before giving up all hope. MDD doesn't seem to let the OS attempt
this step. I tried this from both the desktop(with the help of an AUTO
program that could modify the desktop environment) and within a program; in
both cases the acc failed to find its other file. Without MDD the acc was
able to load successfully; I could not test this from within a program for
obvious reasons:)).
The only reason I was doing this is because STeno 2.00 could not install
itself from your ramdisk program. Curiousity made me try this with my only
other RSC-requiring accessory, MemFile 3.0<g>. My 'solution' for the Steno
problem was to just have it rely on the copy of STeno present on my C:
partition; as long as the desktop creates the PATH=C:\ string, it will be
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 160 Tue Dec 08, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 19:54 EST
Dave Shorr,
I'm not sure why ACCs loaded into MultiDesk would not find their RSC files in
the PATH environment. Perhaps Charles could shed some light on this. I don't
think there's anything being done intentionally to inhibit this.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 161 Wed Dec 09, 1992
A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 03:44 EST
John E. and Dave Shorr,
The three STenos I run find their resource files without any problem in
C:\RESOURCE\ via GEMENV.PRG, which runs in the AUTO folder. These are run
outside MDD, but I put one of them inside MDD right now to see if it found the
RSC file and it, too, had no problem.
All my MDD DAs find their RSC files in that location, too. I can't find any
evidence that MDD causes any problem with the operating system's environment
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 162 Wed Dec 09, 1992
ST.REPORT [Ralph] at 07:35 EST
Al, the only time I ever saw that particular message was if the
computers memory was heavily fragged and/or not given back to the
system. A reboot cures that. MDD is top notch all the way.
Ralph @ STReport International Online Magazine
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 163 Wed Dec 09, 1992
CODEHEAD [Charles] at 12:24 EST
If MultiDesk cannot find an accessory's resource file in the same path, it
simply passes the rsrc_load call on to the system. It doesn't seem that this
should cause the rsrc_load to fail; next time I look at MultiDesk, I'll test
- Charles @ CodeHead Tech
Wednesday, December 9, 1992 12:06 am
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 164 Thu Dec 10, 1992
D.SHORR at 20:27 EST
Well, I did a little more 'testing' with the environment problem and _was_
able to get MemFile and STeno to find their resource files when loaded within
MultiDesk. When placed into a root directory which was pathed, the rsc file
was able to be found; if it was in a subdirectory, MemFile and STeno would
complain again. I tested this by adding a path string(PATH=C:\MULTDESK.MDX or
PATH=C:\MULTDESK.MDX\) from within HotWire! and then launching a program. I
then attempted the load from within MDD(the acc copy was located on my
ramdisk). Strangely enough, STeno would find its RSC file on the root of C:
even though it was not pathed(I'm using the Show System CPX by Dieter
Fiebelkorn) at the time.
Now I doubt MDD is causing the problem(which leaves the Gribnif DA's:)): both
MemFile and STeno will leave my system in an unstable state if they were
unable to find their resources at install time(one example: can no longer
access MDD). Anyway, I see enough of paths in those autoexec.bat files of
those 'other' computers I have to use at work<grin>; I'll just leave it the
way I have it;). Thanks for the help guys.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 165 Fri Dec 11, 1992
STARFALL [Alan] at 09:23 EST
I did some testing with a quick test ACC I cooked up. It showed the
current PATH, and tried to load an RSC file.
The PATH was null for the copy of MDD loaded by the Desktop at bootup.
A copy of MDD run as a program reflected the PATH set by HotWire. This makes
sense, since applications get copies of the environment, and changes to
another copy won't affect them.
In any case, it didn't seem to matter. After doing rsrc_load(), there
were four checks for the RSC file via Fsfirst():
The root directory of C:\
The folder from which the ACC was loaded (the current default
The root directory of the current default disk.
The root directory of the boot drive.
Like I said, the PATH didn't seem to matter. This is with TOS 1.04.
/ * / Alan
* *
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 166 Fri Dec 11, 1992
D.SHORR at 22:16 EST
Gribnif released a freeware TOS patch program called Shel_fix (file#14580)
which corrected bugs in the shell functions(one of which rsrc_load uses);
these bugs would only appear when a shell was in use. I believe HotWire! also
has this fix built-in to its own code. I tried both HotWire! 3.0 and Shel_fix
1.3 to no avail. I used the MemFile 3.0 and STeno 2.00 accessories for
There was a paragraph in the Shel_fix docs that may explain this 'problem':
PATH specifies the paths that TOS normally looks for things like resource
files. It is important to note, however, that constructing your own PATH
environmental variable from within a shell does not affect where TOS looks for
resource files because it keeps its own internal idea of what PATH should be.
My version of shel_find(), however, does not use the system PATH variable, it
uses the one passed to the executing program.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 167 Sat Dec 12, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 13:20 EST
That sequence of path-searching corresponds with the Atari's documentation on
the subject. Thank you for testing this and offering us your report.
Dave Shorr,
HotWire does not "fix" any "bugs" in TOS's shell functions. We are not aware
of any bugs that needed fixing. Gribnif's philosophy on the shell function is
(was) different than ours and Atari's.
Our philosophy (and Atari's) is that when a program acts as a shell, it is
that program's responsibility to handle all "shell" calls from other programs.
For instance, if the user selects "OUTPRINT" from Easy Draw, Easy Draw makes a
shell call to run OUTPRINT. HotWire intercepts the shell call and when Easy
Draw terminates, HotWire runs OUTPRINT. If a shell does not intercept this
call, the desktop (in its "shell" capacity) will handle the call. But this
won't happen until the currently running program (alternate shell) terminates.
It is (was) Gribnif's contention that this is a bug in the operating system,
so they wrote SHEL_FIX to "fix" it for everyone. We found SHEL_FIX.PRG to
cause problems with some programs and don't guarantee our software to run with
it installed. Current versions of Neodesk have this shell handling built-in
so I'm sure they recommend discontinuing use of SHEL_FIX.PRG also.
I'm unaware of the path-handling features of SHEL_FIX.PRG.
P.S. Please do not read any flames or criticism into this message. I've tried
very hard to simply document facts. I'm not finding fault with Gribnif, just
stating a difference in philosophies.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 168 Sat Dec 12, 1992
OUTRIDER [Terry] at 17:55 EST
Sheesh, John, you're getting too P.C. for us these days. You were much more
fun when you made comments with reckless abandon. ;^)
((( Terry )))
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 169 Sat Dec 12, 1992
SFRT-ASST [Kenne@SFRT] at 18:57 EST
Once burned, twice shy...
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 170 Sat Dec 19, 1992
K.HOUSER [Kevin MQ Def] at 02:59 EST
I've found a conflict between MDD and the TurboASM here in the ST RT
libraries. I'll detail more later because I don't feel like retyping my whole
message since my system bombed before I could save it. :(
It seems that TurboASM is loading a debugger which grabs vectors. The conflict
results in TurboASM *NOT* being able to load in a *.SRC (source code) file
without bombing (address, illegal inst, or bus error).
Any help would be appreciated. Hint hint... for patch to MADMAC.PRG
8') 8') 8') 8') 8') 8') 8') 8') 8') 8') 8') 8') 8') 8') 8') 8')
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 171 Sat Dec 19, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 03:52 EST
Since we last talked about MadMac, Charles and I tested the version we're
using. It's version 1.07 from Atari (74172 bytes long) and no longer has the
PC-relative bug. The patch I had worked up was for an earlier version (1.05),
which still has another crashing bug with INCLUDE files. Contact Atari and
get 1.07. I don't remember exactly where and when we got it. Perhaps it's
available for download in the Developer's RT.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 172 Sat Dec 19, 1992
K.HOUSER [Kevin MQ Def] at 05:57 EST
I've got 1.07, but it doesn't seem to like forward branches at all. :(
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 173 Sun Dec 20, 1992
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 12:03 EST
Then we must have patched our version. See E-Mail.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 174 Sun Dec 20, 1992
K.HOUSER [Kevin MQ Def] at 20:49 EST
Thanks John,
My Seagate ST57N or whatever just went flaky on me last night. So I stopped
at CompUSA this morning before church and picked up a Puma SyDOS (Syquest)
88Meg removeable with case, ps, drive :), and 88meg cart for $499 + tax. I'm
currently trying to rebuild my setup to get back to where I was...
I just d'loaded Aladdin (was munged on my HD & floppies) and I'm preparing to
fix this @#$@. Boy has this been a hectic day. :(
Guess I won't get a floptical as soon as I thought. :)
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 175 Mon Dec 28, 1992
K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 18:51 EST
Bet you didn't get a whole lot out of church with all of that computer stuff
going through your head. Probably should have waited until after church.<G>
Ken Van Dellen d8^)
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 176 Tue Dec 29, 1992
K.HOUSER [Kevin MQ Def] at 11:56 EST
Ken Van,
But if I waited until after church, the store would've been closed. :) The
store hours are 11am to 4pm on Sunday. With all of the music & all at church,
you're guaranteed to forget about the SyQuest at least for a little while. :)
Boy those services can be long (~3 hours).
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 177 Fri Jan 01, 1993
GSCOTT-MOORE [Gerry] at 15:22 EST
I didn't realize I had this topic IGNored. I guess it says something about
the hasle-free usage of MultiDesk.
What am I being told, when I control-right click on the items in the menu? It
looks like it might be useful.
\\\--- Gerry
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 178 Fri Jan 01, 1993
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 18:43 EST
When you Control/LeftClick on an item in the MultiDesk window, you'll see
internal info about the ACC. With MDXs, you'll only see the amount of memory
that the ACC consumes. With resident ACCs, you'll get internal addresses that
are only useful for debugging, as well as the size, and the type of event(s)
that the ACC watches for.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 179 Sat Jan 02, 1993
GSCOTT-MOORE [Gerry] at 00:15 EST
Is there anyway to print labels that include only:
First Name / Last Name
Street Address
City, ST, Zip
and excludes all of those company/spouse fields?
\\\--- Gerry
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 180 Sat Jan 02, 1993
J.MEEHAN3 [>> Joe M << ] at 06:17 EDT
Message: 179, left on January 2, 1993 From: GSCOTT-MOORE [Gerry]
Is there anyway to print labels that include only:
and excludes all of those company/spouse fields?
This looks like an escaped message from the CardFile topic.
The only way I know is to leave those fields blank to begin
>> Joe M <<
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 181 Sat Jan 02, 1993
GSCOTT-MOORE [Gerry] at 12:04 EST
Joe M:
Oops! Aladdin indigestion. Thanks for the info.
\\\--- Gerry
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 182 Sun Jan 03, 1993
K.HOUSER [Kevin MQ Def] at 13:04 EST
John, thanks for the Control+Left Click info. I may find that stuff usefull
for debugging accessories. :)
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 183 Mon Jan 04, 1993
STARFALL [Alan] at 16:03 EST
Does MultiDesk Deluxe reset the screen colors after exiting a DA? I
was trying to reset the colors with the Control Panel CPX. I set it fine, but
when I exited back to MDD, the colors reverted to what they originally were.
I'm using a monochrome screen, btw.
/ * / Alan
* *
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 184 Tue Jan 05, 1993
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 05:43 EST
If you are running the Control Panel as an MDX, MultiDesk will undo most if
not all of its settings upon exit. This is necessary with MDXes since they
could do any number of things to the system. If MultiDesk did not restore
vectors and other things there would be major problems. The restoration
process is basically the same as what happens on a "Clear All" with resident
If you want changes to remain in effect, you should install ACCs as resident.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 185 Tue Jan 05, 1993
G.LEONE [Gerry] at 23:03 EST
John -- That last response you gave to Alan (about MultiDesk undoing system-
wide MDX settings upon exit) suddenly cleared away the last cloud in my mind
about whether accessories should be MDXes or residents.
I finally get it!
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 186 Wed Jan 06, 1993
NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 05:49 EDT
>If you are running the Control Panel as an MDX, MultiDesk will undo most
>if not all of its settings upon exit. This is necessary with MDXes
>since they
I run the Atari Control Panel (I don't like Xcontrol), as an MDX,
with the initialize option. I haven't seen any sign of anything
getting reset. What were you referring to?
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 187 Wed Jan 06, 1993
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 14:36 EST
I don't know specifically that MultiDesk is undoing color settings when MDXs
run. I just wanted to comment that _if_ someone is experiencing symptoms of
settings reverting after the use of an MDX, it's caused by the way MultiDesk
handles (and is supposed to handle) MDXs. In some cases, the only way to know
for sure is through trial and error.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 188 Sun Jan 10, 1993
STARFALL [Alan] at 09:55 EST
No, I was using the CPX.ACC as a resident ACC, not as an MDX. I'm not sure
what's happening. I tried setting and saving the screen colors in the Control
Panel, and rebooted. As MDD loaded the resident ACCs, the screen briefly
flashed the changed colors, but reverted back.
/ * / Alan
* *
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 189 Sun Jan 10, 1993
OUTRIDER [Terry] at 11:15 EST
You don't have GET_DEFS, or some other ACC that doesn't show in the drop down
menu (nor MDD's menu), installed do you?
((( Terry )))
P.S. How's the new XYZ coming? :^)
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 190 Sun Jan 10, 1993
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 13:09 EST
Perhaps you have something else installed that is reseting your colors after
XControl is finished. Have you tried it with nothing but MultiDesk and
XControl installed (no other AUTO programs, ACCs, MDXs, or auto-start
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 191 Sun Jan 10, 1993
NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 14:15 EDT
Is sounds like you have something loading that is causing its own
default colors to be set. What's in your MDD?
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 192 Thu Jan 14, 1993
J.ROGOZINSK2 [Rogo] at 18:29 EST
I have just purchased CardFile 4 and EdHak 2.3, can they be run from within
MMD? Should I run them as resident or MDX or should I run them outside MMD
completely from their own DA slot? Thanks for any suggestions or personal
=== Joe Rogo ===
Thursday, January 14, 1993
6:29 pm
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 193 Fri Jan 15, 1993
M.JONES52 [Jonesy] at 00:09 EST
EdHak will run fine as an MDX. Please see your EdHak manual for more
information regarding various configurations and options using it as a program
or accessory.
Sorry, I don't yet have Cardfile, so don't know.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 194 Fri Jan 15, 1993
MUSE [Tomas] at 00:45 EST
> Should I run them as resident or MDX or should I run them outside MMD
>completely from their own DA slot?
I would always try running the ACC as an MDX first. Keep in mind that any
work done in the ACC must be saved before closing the ACC. This is the same as
if you were running a program from the Desktop. Certain ACCs, like XCONTROL,
that serve to configure your computer can be run as an MDX as long as you
enter a [Control I] with MDX Titler to cause it to initiate. Almost anything
else can be run resident within MultiDesk Deluxe. I only run ACCs outside of
MultiDesk that I like to turn off and on when I boot (with DeskManager).
Don't forget, PopIt is the perfect complement to MultiDesk Deluxe.
January 14, 1993 @ 20:49:26 pm PST
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 195 Fri Jan 15, 1993
J.RENNER1 [Jim] at 03:17 EST
Here's a strange one. I just got a new TT and have been doing a lot of playing
around. This is my problem. With Warp9, Multidesk, and Xcontrol loading
(Multidesk is laoding Warp9 and Steno) the right scroll bar on the top window
is not being set to my custom colors (TT med rez.). I checked the control
panel and the colors are set properly. If i close the windows and reopen it
everything is peachy. I tried the same setup wihtout Multidesk (ver 3.4) ,
loading Warp9 and Steno normally and everything is fine. Anyone got a clue?
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 196 Fri Jan 15, 1993
G.FUHRMAN [gnox] at 06:07 EST
>I have just purchased CardFile 4 and EdHak 2.3
Me too! :)
Both of them have the ability to send text directly to an application without
going through the clipboard, and they have to be resident ACCs for that
feature to work. Other than that I don't think there's any problem with
running as MDXs.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 197 Fri Jan 15, 1993
K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:48 EST
My authorized dealer told me recently he runs his computer almost naked, when
I told him 4 megs of RAM sometimes was barely enough with WordFlair II and
Pagestream. I use several CodeHead (and LGF) utilities, and have been thinking
of getting a couple more. Of course I can always use DeskManager to disable
some if I need to. I understand that the memory used by MDD is going to vary
with which ACCs and MDXs we're using, but it would be interesting to know how
much is taken by the other utilities. Some cut back to a base level after
running, I believe, so that would save some RAM. Is this information in the
Ken Van Dellen d8^)
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 198 Fri Jan 15, 1993
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 09:06 EST
Jim Renner,
Maybe your window is opening before XControl has a chance to set the colors.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 199 Fri Jan 15, 1993
Ken V.,
Just hold down the Control key while clicking on a desk accessories name
in Multidesk Deluxe.
- Mel
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 200 Fri Jan 15, 1993
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 10:53 EST
Ken Van,
We generally do not document the memory requirements of our utilities because
it has a tendency to change. The back of the HotWire manual says it only
takes 44K. That was true at one time, but HotWire now takes almost 100K.
If you list specific programs, we can tell you how much they require
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 201 Fri Jan 15, 1993
BRIAN.H [ST~SysOp] at 17:22 EST
I run EdHak within MDD as a resident for my term programs and some
others. I run it as a MDX for someother programs. I use Hotwire to switch
between different setups before running programs. (I use to use Superboot for
this purpose.) Remember, if you use it as a MDX then save before exiting.
Written on Thursday 14 January 1993 at 08:00 p.m. AST
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 202 Fri Jan 15, 1993
NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 19:15 EDT
Can 't help with your messed up color problem, but running both
STalker and STeno in MDD is not recommended. If you do this, you
can't use STeno as a capture buffer/editor for STalker as only ONE
MDD .ACC can be active at a time. Move one (doesn't really matter
which) outside MDD.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 203 Fri Jan 15, 1993
OUTRIDER [Terry] at 22:05 EST
>K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 07:48 EST
>My authorized dealer told me recently he runs his computer almost naked
I used to run my computer, naked, but my joystick kept getting in the way.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 204 Fri Jan 15, 1993
W.DAVIS20 [Bill] at 22:59 EST
I have CardFile running as an MDX. It works fine except for one
feature. That is the send feature. I think with a bit of effort I could get
that to work right too.
Bill D.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 205 Fri Jan 15, 1993
NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 23:17 EDT
I have MultiDesk Deluxe, PopIt, STalker (2000 line buffer), STeno
(130k buffer), AdSpeed CP, Maxifile, LGS, CodeKeys, Spooler Manager,
a 66k ramdisk, and 131k spool buffer (CodeRam), HotWire, Warp 9 and
miscellaneous other AUTO programs, patches, etc. loaded on my 4 meg
machine, and with Aladdin active, still have 1.8 meg free.
Load 'er up!
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 206 Fri Jan 15, 1993
J.RENNER1 [Jim] at 23:35 EST
that is what i thought at first but Xcontrol is running outside of MDD and the
rest of the windows is "painted" with my custom colors only the right scroll
bar is the same old speckled gray.
I have tried everything, but it looks as though MDD is at fault. Unless of
course Atari broke their own rules with TOS 3.06 or Xcontrol.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 207 Sat Jan 16, 1993
MUSE [Tomas] at 00:56 EST
You probably already realize that each shaded can bar can be configured with
XCONTROL, right? Just trying to mention the obvious.
January 15, 1993 @ 21:44:43 pm PST
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 208 Sat Jan 16, 1993
Ken Van,
That can't be TRUE about your 'authorized dealer'! Atari won't let their
dealers run their computers unless they wear at least -some- clothing! %^)
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 209 Sat Jan 16, 1993
STARFALL [Alan] at 08:28 EST
I found the problem. It's Warp 9. If you have a picture background,
Warp 9 forces the colors back if you try to change them.
/ * / Alan
* *
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 210 Sat Jan 16, 1993
K.VANDELLEN [Ken Van] at 08:52 EST
Thanks, John. I'll make up a list for you. I own most of your products, I
>I used to run my computer, naked, but my joystick kept getting in the way.
Terry! Go stand in the corner! This is a family program. <G> I'll have to ask
Drys if he at least keeps his shorts on.
I don't think I have problem with any programs except those that use the
SLM804 Atari laser printer, which requires a lot of my RAM. I like the
printer, but maybe one of these years I'll have to get something else. I
wonder if it would be better to do that or to get a Falcon with more than 4 mb
of RAM.
Ken Van Dellen d8^)
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 211 Sat Jan 16, 1993
NTACTONE [Ron Hunter] at 10:10 EDT
You might try putting Xcontrol in MDD as the last non-resident
.ACC. That way it should do its thing after everything else is done.
Huh? OF COURSE Warp 9 puts the colors back if you have a color
picture in the background, else the pictures would look pretty awful
sometimes, right?
It's also a way to get your default colors restored when you exit a
>wonder if it would be better to do that or to get a Falcon with more
>than 4 mb of RAM.
Get the Falcon, definitely!
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 212 Sat Jan 16, 1993
J.EIDSVOOG1 [CodeHead] at 12:04 EST
Jim Renner,
I don't think you'll have your "painting" problem if you boot up with nothing
but XControl and MultiDesk installed (no other AUTO programs -- _nothing_ in
MultiDesk, meaning MultiDesk's window is blank when you boot up). You can
ensure that MultiDesk is blank by doing a "Clear All" and setting its MDX
directory path to another directory so that no files match the extension
(".XXX") and then save your setup (MULTDSK4.MLT for TT Medium).
MultiDesk has nothing whatsoever to do with colors.
Aha...yes, of course, Warp 9 must set the colors to that of the picture you
wish to view. If you'd like other colors on your desktop, perhaps you can
adjust the picture and its palette to your liking.
Category 32, Topic 5
Message 213 Sat Jan 16, 1993
J.ROGOZINSK2 [Rogo] at 20:51 EST
Thanks to all those that responded to my question concering EdHak and
CardFile. After I had posted my question here I started to RT(F)M and lo and
behold right there in the EdHak manual page 2 (yes not very far) there is a
paragraph about using EdHak with MMD. About that time all I could picture is
my next AUTOPASS 1 with Aladdin and all the messages in this topic saying GET
One problem I am having though is with CardFile as an MDX (non-resident) when
using it inside Aladdin, the screen goes funny and I seem to lose control of
the program (CardFile) and the modem. This only happens when I try to use the
dialer in CardFile. Well anyway I'm taking this question to the Aladdin RT's
Problems topic. It seems to work okay inside of FLASH 1.6 though, but I have
to check some more.
Thanks again to all those replied.
=== Joe Rogo ===
Saturday, January 16, 1993
8:25 pm